المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : القيادة الموحدة للمجاهدين: نشرة 18 تحية لك ايها المقاوم ونصرك الله وأعانك صبرا وبصيرة

31-07-2005, 04:42 PM
The Political Committee

Mujahideen Central Command


Baghdad The Republic of Iraq

اللجنة السياسية

القيادة الموحدة للمجاهدين

بغداد - جمهورية العراق

خاص شبكة البصرة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عراقنا.....الى أين؟؟؟
نشرة 18

English text

تحية لك ايها المقاوم ونصرك الله وأعانك صبرا وبصيرة . نوجه هذه النشرة، لكل ابناء العراق !

إمتلأ العراق بأمواج الغزاة وايران وأحقاد دول الجوار وكشف الجميع تحالفهم مع المحتلين.

قرارنا أن سلاح العراقي طريقاً وحيدا للتحرير، هو الصائب بعد توضيحنا من هم الاعداء في النشرة 13، وليس ما يروج له جهلة السياسة، والجبناء، وكتبة الدستور أمريكياً.

ما الذي نراه، بعد ازاحة الستار عن التحالف الامريكي الايراني ، واختيار ممثل مرجعية قم رئيسا لأيران ؟

ثم زيارة "المعينين أمريكياً" الى الأب الروحي، والمالي في طهران ؟

الجعفري وعصاباته تمثل الجنوب ، وعصابات الطالباني والرزاني تمثل الاكراد !

جدول ... الاعمال ؟

1 – تنفيذ المطلب الامريكي باعلان الدستور والانتخابات وصنع حكومة "شرعية" يتمسك بها بوش كطوق الانتصار ليوقع اتفاقيات تسليم العراق نفطياً وعسكرياً .

2 – التقسيم الاداري والسياسي بين العصابات .

3 – تثبيت الأوضاع الامنية في الجنوب، فيسحب بلير،عددا من جنوده ليكون انتصاراً، لحكومتي بوش وبلير،

لذلك اعلن الانكليز عن (نية) للانسحاب في أيلول .

4 – التمويل المالي للعصابات، أما بوش وبلير، فيكفي متاعبهم لتوفير المخصصات لجيوشهم ، وليصبح التمويل محليا وايرانيا وكويتيا، مادام النفط يباع بأسعار عالية بفضل أمريكا.

5 – قتل المعارضين للاحتلال بالمذابح وتدمير المساكن والتهجير وسجن القادرين على القتال وبناء السجون .

6 – تعديل اتفاقية الجزائر والحدود، وخاصة أراضي حقل "مجنون" حيث تقوم ايران بالحفر وسحب النفط .

7 – التعويضات الايرانية ودور "مرجعية ايران" السياسي في النجف الاشرف ، ثم ربط الدولتين اقتصادياً .

هنا يبرز منطق السياسة للحكم :

لا وجود لقوة سياسية بدون قوة عسكرية ، ولا وجود للاثنين بدون قوة مالية !!

ماذا يفعل الأكراد ؟

كشفوا وبغباء مطلق ظناً بدوام الاحتلال ، خريطة احتلالهم الاداري للمدن ، ومزقوا علم "لااله الا الله" وأبدلوه بعلم "لااله الا بوش- وسط الشمس" ، وحصلوا على السلاح مجانا من مندوب بوش - ستوفل الملعون وحولوا عصابات البشمركه الى جيش وفتحوا كلية عسكرية ، وأحتلوا وزارة الدفاع والخارجية والسفارات .

ولكي يحكموا عليهم بالتمويل ...... كيف ؟

- يطالبون بنفط كركوك كذباً وتهجيراً ، وغباؤهم لا يقرأ .. فالنفط حاليا يملكه الغزاة، وعندما نطردهم يملكه الشعب العراقي وليس العصابات ، بالاضافة الى أن عمر حقول نفط كركوك قصير جداً .

- تصل شهريا التحويلات الكويتية .

- تحولت ايران من التمويل الى تصدير منتجاتها شمالاً ، والتمويل النقدي فقط للجنوب وبغداد ، لذلك ركزت العصابات على الواردات الجمركية عند حدود تركيا ، والضرائب المحلية ، وبيع الدولار المزيف، وتهريب النفط ومشتقاته لتركيا وتهريب الألكترونيات والسيارات والكماليات والسيكاير والشاي الى ايران، وبيع أسلحة الجيش العراقي عبر ايران . أما مرشدهم المالي فهو (حرامي الحرامية) أحمد الجلبي بتوجيه أمريكي يهودي .

- أنشأت المشاريع التجارية والسياحية والترفيهية لجنود الاحتلال، بعد أن ترهقهم واجبات قتل العراقيين بدلاً من ذهابهم الى البحرين ودبي .

- طورت تجارة الدولار المزيف "من فلسطين المحتلة" لشراء الذهب من الامارات وتهريبه للدول المجاوره، فتأسست شركات كردية في دبي وارتفعت صادرات الذهب جوا من دبي الى بغداد بالحقائب الدبلوماسية لحساب الخارجية وأكرادها.

الحصول على العقود التجارية للوزارات بأسم شركات اردنية وكويتية ودولية بأسعار فاحشة ومشاركة في الارباح، خاصة وان حسابات البنوك العراقية كلها في الاردن بحماية اعداء العراق وملكها المعين .

وماذا فعلت عصابات ايران ومرجعية البرامكة ؟

أخي المقاوم لنعود الى تاريخنا مع التجمعات التي حكمت ايران ولم تؤمن بالاسلام، ودبرت التمردات والقتل والحروب بأسم الدين، سنجد للمرة الاولى، أنها تنفذ ذلك بمعاونة دولاً بجيوشها وأموالها ، لذلك وقعت تحالفا مع بوش وبلير لتدمير العراق ، ولكل طرف هدفه .

وللحصول على القوة السياسية، أستيقظت المرجعية، فأوقدت نار الطائفية ، ودخلت مسرح الانتخابات وأحتلت كراسي النواب بفضل القنصليات الايرانية، والحرس الثوري، والدولارات، وخناجر الحكيم وبدر، فتم تعيينها أمريكياً، وكأنهم عراقيون.

حولوا عصابات بدر الى جيش الذئاب الغادرة ، وأستأجروا الالوف كشرطة وجيش بتدريب أمريكي ، لقتل المقاومة العراقية، بتمويل ايراني وكويتي، تحت العلم الصليبي، ببرنامج شاروني، للاغتيال والتفتيش والاذلال وقطع الارزاق .

هيمنوا على وزارة الداخلية، والدفاع، ومؤسساتها في المحافظات، والاجهزه الامنية ، وطردوا كل إدارات الدوله، اذن صار لديهم قوة سياسية وأمنية بموافقة الاحتلال .

وماذا عن القوة المالية ؟؟

ايران القديمة ... الجديدة !!

- بدأوا بالخطف وابتزاز ذوي الدخل والتبرعات الدينية "الخمس" .

- تم أحتلال موانىء "أبوفلوس"، وشط العرب، وفرضوا رسوم ادخال البضائع لحسابهم بادارة رجال الدين.

- أسسوا سوقا مستقلا لتهريب منتجات النفط في شط العرب، الى ايران ودول الخليج بادارة المرجعية، وتدفع عمولات لضباط الانكليز، وبدعم من حكومة بلير مقابل عدم الاعتداء على جيشهم ،والارباح هائلة.

- التحويلات الشهرية من الكويت تصل بانتظام مقابل عدم الاعتداء على قوافل الكويت للجيش الامريكي .

- تم تأسيس شركات النقل، لزوار ايران للعتبات المقدسة، مع تقسيم الارباح .

- يتم إستلام التمويل الامريكي شهريا، مقابل حماية آبارالنفط والانابيب وقوافل الجيش من الكويت .

- تسجيل الوف الاسماء الوهمية، كشرطة وجيش، وسحب الرواتب لمصلحة الخزينة الخاصة .

- أحتلوا ميناء "خور الزبير" و"أم قصر" ليستلموا واردات الجمارك والموانىء والخدمات ولا علاقة لهم بالعاصمة، ولا بوزيرها المعين . حتى وصل الأمر ببيع سيارات الحكومه الوارده بالمزاد لحسابهم .

- ثم بدأ الزعيق حول أستقلال الجنوب، ووارداته النفطية .

- اخيرا التخطيط لجعل البصرة، مركزا تسويقيا لكل العراق ، فأشعلت عصابة بدر "سوق الشورجة"

وفجرت المحلات التجارية في بغداد، التي تغذي المحافظات ، وتهيىء اسواق العشار والزبير وصفوان لهذه المهمة التي تدر ارباحا ورسوما لاتنتهي .

أنتخب الملالي أنفسهم، برجل دون عمامة ليأخذ موقف المتشدد، الذي يتنازل، ويحفظ هيمنة رجال الدين ومصلحة التحالف مع المحتلين ولكل خطوة ثمن ومقابل، كما فعل الخميني مع الادارة الامريكية ولم يوافق على أيقاف الحرب، الا بعد أن تجرع "سم" الصواريخ، وبأمر أمريكى وفتوى التنازل.
توجد حاليا في طهران، ثلاث مباني سرية تحت أسم " وزارة أدارة العراق" الاولى لجهاز

عسكري وسياسي، والثانية للربط التجاري، والثالثة للشؤون النفطية والغازية ، بأدارة ثلاثة

الاف شخص تقريبا، كل حسب أختصاصه وحقده . فماذا نفذوا:

- احتلوا كافة محافظات البصرة والعمارة والناصرية والنجف الاشرف وغيرها دينياً وسياسياً وأمنيا، ولهم قنصل وحرس في كل مدينة .

- يدمرون كل سجلات النفوس وشهادات الجنسية .

- أغرقوا العراق بالمخدرات الافغانية والايرانية، لتدمير أجيالنا ومجتمعنا الذى لا يعرفها .

- يخططون لتركيع بغداد والمقاومة ، وتصفية الضباط والطيارين والعلماء والاطباء وأساتذة الجامعات، ويصلنا يومياً استشهاد كثير منهم غدرا تحت تسمية "الاجتثاث" وهي اساسا مذابح جماعية بالتقسيط .

- سيطلبون استلام 150 ألف برميل نفطا يوميا، بحجة تصفيته في عبادان، وارجاعه كمشتقات بمباركة أمريكية، والهدف ضخ كميات غير معروفة كتعويضات عن الحرب. ولتغطية هذه اللعبة ستقدم ايران قرضا بمليار دولارعلى شكل منتجات ايرانية وطاقة كهربائية دون أن يعرف أحد أسعارها والعمولات التى ستدفع للعصابات التي تحكم الجنوب حاليا وتعلق صور الخميني في الدوائر والدور .

- بالايجاز هناك خطوات سريعة اجرامية لأستعمار جنوب العراق، بأسم الدين من قبل الحكومة الايرانية بالاتفاق مع بوش وبلير، مقابل الحفاظ على حياة جنودهم، وتسهيل نهب النفط من الجنوب، بالاضافة الى رفع الضغوط السياسيه في بلدانهم .

وماذا عن مجاهدي المقاومة العراقية ؟؟

تتألف المقاومة والحمد لله تعالى من عشرات المجموعات، تؤمن بالله وبالتحرير، وهي كجذور نخل الرافدين أثبتت خلال سنتين تفوقها عسكرياً ، فأذهلت جيوش الغزاة وحكوماتهم ومتآمري دول الجوار، الذين يجتمعون لانقاذ حكوماتهم من شعوبهم ومن "عدوى المقاومه العراقيه" . أما قادة بوش، فيعترفون يومياً بأن قوتنا وسلاحنا يتطور دوما ، وما يعرض في الفضائيات واحد بالمائة من عملياتنا .

أما البرنامج السياسي، فهو واضح ومقبول من كل عراقي، في نشرتنا المرقمه 2 بتاريخ9 /2/2005 .

بقي السؤال، وماذا عن التمويل ؟

الجواب سيبقى نفسه حالنا كحال الشعوب المحتلة ، فهي ترضع أبنائها صبراً وقوة ومالاً .

ولما كان الغزاة والعصابات تسرق الأرض والثروة والدولة، اذن لابد من إرجاع حصة الشعب المسروقة، باي أسلوب كان نقدا أو غيره، فكله حلال شرعاً ، ولابد من تنوير المخدوعين بالأهداف الشيطانية، فكل العراقيين عائلة واحدة، وخير الناس من خدم دينه ووطنه، وشر الناس من خدم الاجنبي .

علينا بالنشاطات الاجتماعية الاقتصادية، وكل المشاريع المذكوره في نشراتنا الخاصة الموزعة لتوفير موارد الرزق والحياة حتى نطهر ارضنا من الغزاة ، ونبني عراقنا من جديد ، وإنا لذلك قادرون بأذن الله وعونه !!

أما لصوص الاوطان، فلابد من أن يقاتلوا بعضهم عند تقسيم الحصص، وقد كتبنا سابقا أنه لا توجد قواسم أستراتيجية بين عصابات الاكراد وايران، فهناك خلافات قاتلة مذهبياً، وعنصرياً، وسياسياً، وتاريخياً .

أنظروا الى لصوص الاكراد، يدعون للتقسيم، ومسخ الدستور، وتمزيق علم العراق، وحرق علم تركيا وتزود أكراد تركيا بالسلاح، لتنسف القطارات، وتدمر المدن السياحية، وتدفع اكراد سوريا للثورة، ثم تطالب بحدود كرديه من ايران الى سوريا .

وأنظروا الى لصوص ايران، فهم يحاربون كل الشعب العراقي دون أستثناء، لانهم يحملون حقدا وثارا من ألف سنة، وهم يعلمون أن رحيلهم لابد منه مع المحتلين . فكيف يتفق هؤلاء اللصوص ؟؟

بقي لدينا رؤوس الغزاة ومجرمي الحروب، ننصحهم بقراءة ما كتبناه، فلهيب الجحيم العراقي سيصل لكل الدول العربيه، والمفخخات تسير بين مدنكم، ولا تحتاج اذناً للدخول.

والعين بالعين، والسن بالسن، والبادىء أظلم. كما قال حامورابي !!!!!!!!

...ولنا عهد الله سبحانه!!


اللجنة السياسية

15 جمادي الثاني 1426 هـ

21 تموز 2005 م

English Text

The Political Committee

Mujahideen Central Command (MCC)

Baghdad – The Republic of Iraq

Release No. 18

Title: Where is Our Iraq Going???

In the Name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful,

Our Regards to the Resistors, & may god give you patience & Outlook.

This Release is also directed to all the sons of Iraq!

Iraq today is overwhelmed by the waves of the occupiers and the Persians, the hatred and envy of the neighboring countries, & all have today revealed their plan with the

occupation forces.

Our decision as you know, is that military conflict, with what weapons we Iraqis have and develop, is the path to freedom. It is the correct choice, after the points we have clarified to you in release No. 13; and not what is released by those who lack the understanding of politics, the cowards, and those who are in a hurry to approve the American prepared new constitution of Iraq.

What we see coming is this; After the revealing of the previously secret cooperation between Iran and the American Administration, and lately, the election of the representative of the religious clerks of "Qumm" as president of Iran. Then after the visit of the U.S. appointed puppet government of Iraq to their spiritual & financial God fathers in Tehran. We see that Jaafary and his followers represent only the South and Talabany/Barazani (Also called Tarazani) represent only the north!

Their program for the coming future will be as follows:

1- The fulfillment of the U.S. demand to declare and ratify the new constitution, and the new elections, and the creation of a so called legal government, for bush to have something to hang on to as an achievement, that he can market to his people, then sign the prepared contracts to sell Iraq to bush, energy wise and militarily.

2- The managerial and political distribution, to the gangs. (Dividing control of cities).

3- Ensure that the security status in the south, is secure, this will allow Blair to withdraw some of his troops in the south back to the U.K. and by this he sells it as a victory and achievement to his own people and bush's people as well. This is why the British government has claimed their intentions to partially withdraw some troops very soon in September.

4- The financial sponsorship of the gangsters in a different manner, for Bush and Blair are tired of funding the occupation and their troops. The finance in the coming future, will be through local sources; Iran, & Kuwait, as long as the international oil prices are as high as they are today, thanks to U.S. Administration!

5- The killing of all those who reject occupation, they will massacre people, destroy homes, create new refugees, and imprison those at the age which allows them to fight, and the building of more prisons.

6- The modification of the Algiers agreement with Iran and the borders, especially in the regions of "Majnoon" Oil field, where Iran now is digging for Oil there.

7- Reparations are to be paid to Iran for the previous war (which they refused to stop), and in return for their services provided to the U.S. as well as the strengthening of the Iranian political designer in Najaf (Sistani), then connect both countries economically.

This is where the common sense of political dominance is evident!

There is no presence to political strength if you have no military strength, and both are not possible if you have no financial strength!

What are the Kurds Doing?

They have produced their design to the world out of ill knowledge and foolishness, for they see the American presence as permanent, the revealed the map of what they claim to be the areas that are to be under their political control. They have torn the flag of Iraq which says No God but One God, and replaced it with a flag that says No God But Bush under the sun in the center, They have acquired what they can, of heavy Weapons from the Damned Dale Stoffel, and thus have created an Army and have opened a military college as well as the control of the ministry of defense, the Foreign Affairs, and embassies all around the world.

For them to Prevail, they must have a financial source…….How!

- They must try to claim the city of Kirkuk by creating historical rightfulness & by forcing Arabs and Turkmen to leave the city. But oil is in the hands of the occupiers, it is one of the reasons for their invasion. Why should they give it up to the Kurds? And after we throw out the invaders, the oil belongs to all the Iraqi people, and not to the gangsters! Another point is that the northern Oilfields are not going to last very long.

- Kuwaiti financial support to the northern gangsters will continue.

- Iran will convert from a direct financial supporter to an economic supporter, meaning it's support to the Kurds will change from cash to exporting products to the north. Cash will continue to flow only to the south. This is why the northern gangsters have enforced import taxes on goods coming from Turkey at the border. They have also enforced local taxes. All to create the badly needed revenue. They will continue to sell smuggled oil and fuel to the trucks entering Iraq from the north. They are also smuggling electronics, cars, accessories, cigarettes, and tea to Iran, not to forget the equipment of the Iraqi Army. Also we have confirmed evidence and proof that the forged U.S. Dollars are coming from occupied Palestine (What they call Israel) The financial advisor is the thief of all thieves, Ahmed Al-Chalabi, who is usually assisted by the U.S. and the Zionists.

- They have erected tourist, entertainment, and small trade projects to help relieve the stress off the U.S. soldiers who get tired of killing Iraqis and need to rest. Fewer and Fewer take their leaves in Bahrain and Dubai. (Note: they walk in the north even without vehicles and protection)

- They have progressed the trade in the forged dollar, to buy gold from Dubai, then re-exporting through neighboring countries to central Asia states. Our reports say that this caused Kurdish companies to spring up in Dubai and gold shipments from Dubai to Iraq have increases by Air transport either trough Baghdad airport or through the airports in the north which they wanted to initiate quickly! This gold is also transported through the diplomatic mail. Then the funds are transferred back to Kurds and the foreign ministry.

- They are acquiring trade and construction contracts from the Iraqi ministries to credit companies in Jordan, Kuwait, and international firms and under high prices and shared benefits, especially useful, that most of Iraq's bank accounts are in Jordan and under the protection of the appointed king and the other enemies of Iraq.

What did the Iranian gangs plan as well as the Persian clerk in Najaf? (Sistani)

Dear brothers in arms, let us go back in our history and analyze the groups which controlled Iran in the past. We will find that for the first time in history, they are implementing their plans against Iraq with the assistance of superpowers with their armies and finance; this is why they have a secret arrangement with Bush and Blair to destroy Iraq, and each party has its reasons.

To achieve political strength, the sleeping religious clerks suddenly woke up! Then fueled sectarianism, then entered the stage of the elections, then occupied the representative seats, thanks to their consulates in the various cities in Iraq, the Iranian revolutionary guard, the dollars, and the daggers of Hakim and Badr Brigade, all appointed by the Americans as Iraqis!

They have converted their treacherous wolves and militias as army and police then rented large numbers of the unemployed and starving to create a large number then by the support of U.S. and regional training, they are appointed as authority. All to kill the resistance and reduce the number of the U.S. true casualties!

They have been funded by Iran and Kuwait, under the flag of this crusade!

Their style in destroying homes, searches, assassinations, humiliation of our people and the stripping of basic life support jobs, is taken exactly word for word from Ariel Sharon's handbook of war crimes and the Israeli advisors in the Red Zone Republic (green zone).

The Iranians (not Arabs, Safawis to those who lack knowledge) have taken control of the interior ministry, as well as the operations depatments of the ministry of defense, and it's supporting establishments in other cities. The security apparatus was also taken. Then, they threw out all those who previously ran them as a state. Thus they have achieved political strength, as well as security strength, and with the approval of the occupier.

What about the financial strength?

- They have started the kidnapping business of the wealthy, and the blackmail of those whom God has given them economic success. But most importantly the power of the Shiite religious donations, the "Khums".

- They have occupied the ports of "Abu Flous" and "Shatt Al Arab" in Basrah, and enforced taxes on imports to the additional benefit of the religious clerks.

- They established independent markets to smuggle oil products in "Shatt Al Arab" waterway, to Iran and the neighboring countries. Commissions are paid to British officers to turn a blind eye in this regard. Blair's government know of this and they support it in return for securing that no one from the south engages in strikes against the British troops, and protection of occupation truck convoys arriving from Kuwait northbound to the bases.

- They have established transport companies for Iranian religious pilgrims, as they like to call themselves, with profits to be shared by all.

- The U.S. also funds monthly for the protection of the southern oil fields and the pipelines as well as the convoys from Kuwait.

- The registering of thousands of fake identities and names as police and army personnel and receiving their salaries for their private treasury.

- They have occupied "Khor Al Zubair" port as well as Umm Qasr Port to receive the customs revenues and port dues for services and have no relation with their transport minister in Baghdad. This lately developed surprisingly into selling the police and ministry vehicles just imported from Dubai and the rest of the Gulf, who assist the U.S. out of fear, in the public market then keeping the amounts for themselves!

- Suddenly, we hear of the squealing about the south being autonomous and having supremacy over the southern oil field revenues.

- Basrah is to become a trade center for all of Iraq instead of Baghdad, this is why Badr Militia (the Army as some like to label) have torched the "Al Shorjah" market in Baghdad, then destroyed the market stores Like the "Musayab" incident lately which feeds the other provinces, and now prepares the Basra Markets of "Ashaar", "Zubair", and "Safwan" for this take over as it returns great revenues and profits for them alone.

Iran the New and the Old!!

- The mullahs have elected themselves. Only by using someone why does not wear a turban. He will remain taking conservative measures in public and give concessions in private to the west and thus preserve the image of the religious clerks, and the cooperative measures with the occupation. For every favor, there is one in return. Just like the days of Khomeini and the U.S. Administration at the time. The Khomeini who refused to stop the war in the 1980's and then drank the poison of ceasefire due to our military's long range missiles strikes at the time, as well as U.S. pressure.

- In Tehran, as we speak, there are three secret buildings under the name, the "Ministry of Iraqi Affairs", the first building is for military and political management, the second is for trade management, and the third is for Gas and Oil affairs. It is run by three thousand operatives; each is appointed and graded with his experience, and his amount of hatred to Iraq.

What are their achievements?

- They have occupied all the provinces in the south, like Basrah, Amara, Nasseriah, Najaf, and other significantly important cities of religious, political, and security nature. The have consulates or representatives in every city.

- They have destroyed all the civil records and nationality records, thus they can claim anyone to be anyone.

- They have flooded Iraq with Afghan and Iranian grown drugs to destroy our future generations and our society which has never known these diseases in the past.

- They plan to make Baghdad kneel as well as the resistance, they assassinate officers, pilots, scientists, professors, doctors, and we receive daily reports of their unfortunate deaths under the name of De-Baathifiaction, when this is really slow and stage by stage genocide to all Iraqis regardless of their political beliefs.

- They will request very soon 150 thousand barrels of oil daily, under the claim that they will need to process in "Abadan" Refinery in Iran, and returning the material back as sub products obviously with the acceptance of Bush. To cover this plan, the Iranian government will present a loan to the puppet government, One Billion Dollars worth in the form of Iranian products and electric power without the disclosure to the public, the pricing format and commissions to be rotated to the gangsters that control the south currently; those who are hanging the pictures of Khomeini in the offices and homes. The true plan is to pump unknown and classified amounts of oil to Iran, to be considered as war reparations.

- In short, there will be very swift criminal measures taken by the enemy, to control the south of Iraq in the name of religion, by the Iranian government and in clear agreement with Bush and Blair, in return for saving the lives of the occupation soldiers and thus relieving the popular pressures on these two war criminals back in their countries, also easing the business of oil drug smuggling in the south and to neighboring countries.

What about the Mujahideen in the Resistance?

The resistance is comprised of tens of factions with men who believe in God and freedom, and their roots are like the roots of Palm trees along the two rivers, strong and proven, as it did, it's military supremacy over the occupiers. It has surprised the military of the enemy, as well as their governments, and the traitors in the region, who meet to save themselves from their people and from the spread of the Iraqi Resistance example. As for the Bush generals, they now admit publicly and daily, that our power, tactics and weaponry are in constant upgrade, & what is revealed in the general media is no more than one percent of what is really happening on the ground.

As for the political program, it is clear and accepted by every Iraqi, it is layed out in release No. 2 dated 9th of Feb 2005.

One question left to answer, what about our Funding?

The answer remains as is the case of all the people who have been occupied in the world; the good people, will continue to feed their sons patience, strength, and financial support.

And when the occupiers feed the gangsters what they steal from our land and resources and state, then it is our duty to take back part of this stolen bounty to the resistance and people. It is all legal, rightful, and just. It is also our duty as well as the duty of the good people in Iraq and around the world to expose this satanical plan.

All Iraqis are one family, and the best of people is the one who serves his religion and people. The worst of people are those who serve the foreigners.

We have to increase the social economical activities, utilize well all the economic programs we have explained in our internal and private releases, distributed to create sources of economic support and life, till we are capable of throwing out the invaders. We still have the task of rebuilding our country once again, and we are capable with God's will and your help!!

As for the thieves of Nations, it is only a mater of time before they kill each other when the bounty is distributed between them. And we have explained to you previously that there are no true strategically shared interests between the Kurdish gangsters in the north and the Iranian gangsters in the south and in Iran, and there are very grave conflicts of sectarian, Racial, Political, and historic nature.

Look at the Kurdish thieves, who call for the division of Iraq, the deformed constitution, The tearing of the Iraqi flag, The burning of the Turkish flag, the military support that they offer to the Kurdish separatists in Turkey, to destroy trains, and destruction of tourist cities in Turkey, their backing to Kurds in Syria to revolt, then they request a border stretching from Iran to Turkey to Syria.

Look at the thieves of Iran, for they wage war on all the Iraqi people regardless of their beliefs. Simply because they carry this hatred and revenge of a thousand years. And they know that their eventual evacuation will come soon with the occupiers.

How can these different Gangsters agree on anything??

Remaining finally are the heads of invasion and war criminals, The occupation. We advise them to read what we wrote, for the hell from Iraq will reach every Arab State and the explosive packed vehicles and decoys will lurk between your cities and streets, and do not require permission to enter and blast!



We have the Promise of God,


The Political Committee

On the 15th of Jamadi Second 1426 H

The 21st of July 2005 M
شبكة البصرة

15 جمادي الثاني 1426 هـ21 تموز 2005 م

يرجى الاشارة الى شبكة البصرة عند اعادة النشر او الاقتباس