المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بخصوص استشهاد مسخادوف

12-03-2005, 10:11 AM
خذ عندك --الفجعة عامة:

الانتقام الجورجي ثاني يوم الاعلان (http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/A52ED40E-A6C1-417E-8FE0-66543AD951AE.htm)

والسعودية قررت بعث مجاهدن و خلفآ للراحل..
لضحضحت الشيوعية بس المشكلة ان الشيوعية الامبريالية الصهيونية غيرت مقرها الي واشنطن و نيويورك
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House (http://www.prisonplanet.com/trotskys_ghost_wandering_the_white_house.htm)

neoconservatives are all ex-Trotskyists
The Communist movement was irretrievably split by the Trotsky/Stalin divide. Jewish communists, over time, moved increasingly to the Trotsky camp, with its ambivalence about the Soviet Union. At first they were inclined to preserve it - hopefully with Trotsky back at the helm. Later they turned against it. Some co-operated with the CIA, and the CIA used them to drive a fatal wedge into the Communist camp.

While Stalin's murder of Trotsky is widely publicised, Stalin's own murder is hushed up - probably because it happened within two months' of the Doctors' Plot being announced, which suggests that Stalin was right about the plotters: death-of-stalin.

After Stalin's murder, the Soviet Union turned "revisionist", and - under Beria and Gorbachev - oriented to "convergence" with the West (see convergence.html), but Mao remained pro-Stalin. This was a substantial contributor to the Sino-Soviet split.

Communism has "fallen", yet it seems to reign in universities and courts. Open Borders, Gay Marriage, Political Correctness ... these are the signs. The secret: what has fallen is Stalinism; that's all.

Trotsky's backers have not gone away. Many, "coming out" as Zionists, are now "Neocons".