08-02-2005, 12:25 AM
فيديو لعملية تفجير همفي **********الله اكبر****
Video Clip: US Humvee In Iraq Hit Outside At-Taji
The Islamic Army in Iraq has issued a video clip which they says shows an American Humvee being blown up as it traveled along a road outside at-Taji. They claim the Humvee was destroyed and all onboard were killed. Here is the clip.
شاهد الفيلم على هذا الرابط واذا لم يشتغل فادخل على الموقع في الاسفل
او ادخل على هذا الرابط
Video Clip: US Humvee In Iraq Hit Outside At-Taji
The Islamic Army in Iraq has issued a video clip which they says shows an American Humvee being blown up as it traveled along a road outside at-Taji. They claim the Humvee was destroyed and all onboard were killed. Here is the clip.
شاهد الفيلم على هذا الرابط واذا لم يشتغل فادخل على الموقع في الاسفل
او ادخل على هذا الرابط