المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : السويد قادت اللوبي ل الحرب على العراق؟

04-12-2007, 12:43 PM
Swedish FM under fire for lobbying Iraq war
Press TV , Iran, 24 February 2007
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt has come under fire from various bodies and parties for his membership in an international lobbying group backing the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Swedish media revealed that the lobby group called the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI) was a conservative team with close ties to the Bush administration and the arms industries pushing for a war in Iraq. The new scandal follows Blidt's record of previous shareholdings in companies accused of supporting human rights violations in Turkey, Sudan and Russia.
Sweden's former Social Democratic prime minister Goeran Persson said on Friday that Bildt's involvement in the lobbying group has damaged his country's image in international eyes.
There have been already demands by some members of the Social Democratic Party calling for Bildt's resignation.
But despite the recent and previous glitches surrounding his performance, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has said he has confidence in his much-criticized foreign affairs minister.