مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ميلوزوفيتش حيا يرزق ورغما عن أنوفهم المنصور صدام حيا يرزق
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 03:53 AM
أقسم بالذي فلق البحر لموسي وهذا القسم لو تعلمون عظيم أن القائد المنصور بالله صدام حسين والدي وحبيبي وتاج رأسي حيا يرزق وهو فقط من يذيق الأعداء الويلات والحسرات والهزائم وصنوف العذاب وهو من يجرعهم السم الزعاف وفي كل بلدانهم ..
وأود ان أخبركم بان سلوفدان ميلزوفيتش حيا يرزق ولقد نقل تابوت فارغ الي روسيا بعد أنتهاء المحكمة وتقاعده في العمل مع وكالة الاستخبارات الأمريكية !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
وكان لا بد من نهاية لمسرحية القبض علي صدام بنهاية فيها ايذاء له شخصيا ولمشاعر المؤمنين في كل العالم ....بدلا من نظرية الأعتداء عليه جنسيا كما كان متوقعا والظاهر فز الحزب الديمقراطي وتقرير بيكر هاميلتون غير الاستراتيجية نوعا ما .
وأسألوا رغد صدام حسين لماذا صادرت كل الوثائق التي تتعلق بوالدها من مكتب الخصاونة كما قال هو شخصيا ....
وأسألوا السيدة الموقرة ساجدة لماذا نفت أن الأاسير زوجها وقالت بالحرف الواحد ربما يكون أحد الأشباه .....
واسألوا بوش والصدر والمالكي كيف يقولون بأن 14 كاميرا ديجيتال كانوا لحظة المسرحية ولكنهم تعطلوا فجأة ومرة واحدة وألا لماذا لم يقوموا بالدور المطلوب وشاهدنا فيلم أقرب الي أفلام هوليود.
أعتقد أن أمريكا قبضت علي صورة فقط ولم تقبض علي صدام حسين
وسأعطيكم هدية لأبطال سحر الدجال بوش ومعاونيه الأغبياء
وهل تصدقون لو أن بوش ألقي القبض علي صدام والذي أمر رجاله بأغتيال بوش الأب عام 1992 ونجا منها مرة وهو في الكويت وأيضا هو من وضع بوش الأب تحت أقدام الداخلين والخارجين من فنادق بغداد سيسلمه ألا عملاء صغار لكي يعدموه وهو من أنزل اليهود أربعين يوما تحت الارض ..... هل سيقبل الحاخامات ذلك ؟؟؟؟
طبعا لالا ..؟؟؟ فهم الأحرص علي قتله وتصفية دمه واليوم وبالأمس قال بيرس أعدام صدام مهمة تاريخية .....!!!!!!!!بالنسبة لهم طبعا
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:01 AM
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:03 AM
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:07 AM
في الصورة أعلاه الكاميرا تابعة لوكالة الاستخبارات الامريكية أو وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:17 AM
وأعتقد علي الجميع في هذا المنتدي أن يوقنوا بأننا صادقين وأصدق من الصور التي غسلت أدمغتنا وألغت عقولنا حتي أصبح الكثير مفتون ومسحور بسحر الدجال الكبير الذي أدخل فتنته عبر الشاشة الي بيوتنا وغرف نومنا .... وعلي الجميع أيضا وخاصة الذين يطلبون من الأخ محب العودة بعد أدي مهمته علي أكمل وجه وجاء بكل ما هو مفيد وواضح وصريح ولا لبس فيه بخصوص الشبيه والمعتقل ولعبة امريكا وقصة الأاسر وأعطانا بعض من الأاسرار التي سمح له بها القائد بنشرها حتي تصل الحقيقة للجميع من خلالكم فأعتقد انكم أحزنتم محب المجاهدين بتكرار الطلب بالعودة وأعتقد أنه مكلف عسكريا وأعلاميا بنشر هذه المعلومات من الرئيس شخصيا وخاصة بعد أن سمع الرئيس الكثير عن بعض الرفاق الذين وقفوا بكل شموخ وكبرياء وتحدي للسحر الأعلامي عندما وعموا القبض عليه ومما أعجب الرئيس لدرجة الأستغراب والدهشة بدفاع اهل فلسطين وتكذيب الأمريكان ....
فرجاء أيها الأخوة تذكروا ماذا قال محب المجاهدين ( من لديه أمكانية تصديق أبو بكر الصديق رضى الله عنه للنبي صلي الله عليه وسلم سيصدق ما سيقوله )
فارجو أن تكونوا منهم
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:31 AM
هذا تقرير عن أبنة الرئيس صدام رغد مع الخصاونة
Saddam's daughter attends protest in Jordan
AMMAN, Jan 1 (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter Raghd on Monday made a surprise visit to a sit-in held by hundreds of her father's Jordanian supporters to condemn his execution.
Hundreds of protesters including Islamists, deputies and opposition figures gathered in front of a building where a grouping of 14 professional unions is based, carrying pictures of Saddam and chanting anti-American and pro-Saddam slogans.
Raghd, who is exiled in Jordan, remained quiet throughout her short visit but used a loudspeaker to thank the participants for their support before leaving.
"I want to thank you for this show of support. May God protect you," she said.
One of the banners held by protesters read: "Leader Saddam the father of martyrs".
The former Iraqi president was hanged on Saturday for crimes against humanity.
Thousands of Arabs condemned the execution of Saddam, who was considered a hero for his tough political stance towards the United States and Israel.
On Sunday, dozens of Palestinians held a protest in Baqaa refugee camp north of Amman, following prayers which mourned Saddam's death. In the southern city of Karak, a tent set up by Jordanian Saddam supporters welcomed thousands of sympathisers, organisers said.
Raghd and her children were granted asylum by King Abdullah in 2003 after she fled with her sister to Jordan after the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
She took a leading role in organising her father's legal defence for his trial for crimes against humanity, and has been put on Iraq's 41 "most wanted" list.
But officials said Raghd had abided by a request not to use Jordan as a platform to make political statements to the media.
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:36 AM
وهذا تقرير برافدا الروسية الحقيقي بأنها تنفي أن يكون الأسير زوجها
Saddam's wife could not recognize her husband
Front page / World
13.04.2004 Source:
Last week, American authorities arranged a meeting of the former Iraqi dictator with his wife.
She was the first of Hussein’s relatives to meet with the ex-leader of Iraq at a new place, at the American military base in Qatar. Accompanied by Sheikh Hamad Al-Tani, Sajida Heiralla Tuffah has arrived from Syria on his private jet in the end of March.
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The outcome of their meeting turned out to be quite scandalous. Sajina claims that the person she encountered was not her husband, but his double. If someone were to say for sure that it was not insinuation, it would have been easy to believe the wife with a 25-year experience. It is also possible to assume that Saddam has simply changed since the day of his sons' deaths, June 24 2003. This however is highly unlikely. In case we believe Hussein’s wife, all DNA testing of the ex-Iraqi leader should be considered a mere fake. Overall, today there remain more questions then there are answers.
On the other hand however, those statements of Hussein's wife can in fact be quite understandable. After all, this is the easiest way to demoralize an enemy.
Hussein's younger daughter Hala has also arrived at the base in Qatar along with Saddam Hussein's two grandsons and two sisters, total of eight people. They were all invited by Shekh’s wife Muza to stay in one of the palaces. Eldest daughters Ragad and Rada along with five Hussein’s grandchildren have recently arrived to Doha from Jordan.
“Elaf” newspaper writes that, most likely, the entire Hussein's family will stay in Qatar permanently.
Saddam Hussein was captured by the American forces in December 2003 and held in one of the palaces in Baghdad in a region controlled by the coalition forces. Afterward, due to security reasons, he was transferred to the American military base in Qatar, where he is expected to remain until the trial.
Maxim Pogodin
Discuss the latest developments in Iraq on PRAVDA Forum
الكاسر الفلسطيني
04-01-2007, 04:48 AM
الصور أوضح من الشمس في ساعة الظهيرة وتنف يبشكل قطعي وحاسم أسر السيد الرئيس وكل القصة أمكانات تكنولوجية هائلة وصور ومرايا وخلفيات ومخرجين هوليود الحربيين ومنهم مصطفي العقاد الذي أخرج مسرحية ساحة الفردوس للأمريكان .
04-01-2007, 06:17 PM
هذا تقرير عن أبنة الرئيس صدام رغد مع الخصاونة
Saddam's daughter attends protest in Jordan
AMMAN, Jan 1 (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter Raghd on Monday made a surprise visit to a sit-in held by hundreds of her father's Jordanian supporters to condemn his execution.
Hundreds of protesters including Islamists, deputies and opposition figures gathered in front of a building where a grouping of 14 professional unions is based, carrying pictures of Saddam and chanting anti-American and pro-Saddam slogans.
Raghd, who is exiled in Jordan, remained quiet throughout her short visit but used a loudspeaker to thank the participants for their support before leaving.
"I want to thank you for this show of support. May God protect you," she said.
One of the banners held by protesters read: "Leader Saddam the father of martyrs".
The former Iraqi president was hanged on Saturday for crimes against humanity.
Thousands of Arabs condemned the execution of Saddam, who was considered a hero for his tough political stance towards the United States and Israel.
On Sunday, dozens of Palestinians held a protest in Baqaa refugee camp north of Amman, following prayers which mourned Saddam's death. In the southern city of Karak, a tent set up by Jordanian Saddam supporters welcomed thousands of sympathisers, organisers said.
Raghd and her children were granted asylum by King Abdullah in 2003 after she fled with her sister to Jordan after the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
She took a leading role in organising her father's legal defence for his trial for crimes against humanity, and has been put on Iraq's 41 "most wanted" list.
But officials said Raghd had abided by a request not to use Jordan as a platform to make political statements to the media.
عذرا أخي الكاسر الفلسطيني لكن هذا المقال لا يتحدث بأي شكل عن الخصاونة لا من قريب ولا من بعيد بل يتكلم عن الاعتصام الذي حصل في عمان وحضرته السيدة رغد صدام حسين
يبدو أن خطأ ما حصل أثناء نسخك للمقال
الكاسر الفلسطيني
05-01-2007, 12:01 AM
Saddam Lawyer Elbowed Out, Resigns
(AP) -- Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer has quit, saying some of the legal team's American members were trying to run the defense and soft-pedal the U.S. occupation of the country.
Ziad al-Khasawneh also told The Associated Press that Saddam's eldest daughter, Raghad, favors the Americans and non-Arabs on the defense team "because she thinks they will win the case and free her father." The Americans on the team include former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark.
Al-Khasawneh said he tendered his resignation in a telephone call Tuesday to Saddam's wife, Sajida, who is believed to be in Yemen. He said Clark and Curtis Doebbler, another American lawyer helping defend Saddam, "have often asked me to refrain from criticizing the American occupation of Iraq and the U.S.-backed Iraqi government."
Al-Khasawneh accused Saddam's daughter of removing all files related to Saddam's defense from his office. "I was away in Libya when she did all that without my knowledge," he said. Her said Saddam's daughter was seeking to exchange the Jordan-based legal team with an international Emergency Committee for Iraq, which was announced last month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The committee seeks to ensure a fair trial for Saddam and other officials of the former Iraqi government ousted by U.S. forces two years ago, said former Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad, announcing the committee. Besides Mahathir, other co-chairs include Clark, former Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella and former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas.
Raghad Saddam Hussein said the committee would not replace her father's legal team, but provide "political support." She also said the defense team would refrain from making any more public statements.
Saddam's legal team includes 1,500 volunteers and at least 22 lead lawyers who come from several countries. No date has been set for the trial of Saddam, captured by U.S. troops in December 2003.
Al-Khasawneh became Saddam's chief lawyer in November, weeks after the dictator's family dismissed Mohammed al-Rashdan, a prominent Jordanian lawyer who led the defense team, accusing him of seeking fame in the high-profile case that has drawn world attention.
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